Last night I ended up sick as a dog, a combination of a lot of things, just got run down at the conference I guess.

I returned home today from the trip to hell to get a fitting end to what will go down as the worst trip ever probably. Our cat Lance had to be put down this morning.

I didn’t even get to say goodbye. Just fuckity fuck fucking great!

16 Replies to “In Memory Of Lance :(”

  1. Dustin…
    I am truly so very sorry hon! I know how much you love your animals, just as I love mine, and losing one is truly heartbreaking!!! Especially when you can’t say goodbye – soooooo hard!

    Much love,

  2. So very sorry about Lance. Nothing worse than losing a pet. They bring such happiness and each one is so unique.

  3. Dustin, my heart hurts for you. You love the furry family of yours. So hard not to be able to say goodbye.

    Was this a sudden shock—don’t remember you mentioning anything earlier.

    You have had the week from he-ll. I’m hoping this next week will be better for you.

    Big cyber hugs coming your way.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your cat. Our pets bring us so much happiness, don’t they. Hugs and prayers to you.

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