I just got my copy of Animal Crossing: City Folk WITH Wii Speak today. I lucked out, not only did I have a 10 dollar gift card, but Best Buy messed up so I got another 10 bucks off, and this purchase put me over a threshold to get another 10 dollar gift card. Woot! Anyway, here are my details. It looks like you only have to register the friend code the game gives you and the town name, but I’m including my console friend code too.

Wii Friend Code (Console Code) : 5820 7419 9273 4529
Animal Crossing Code: 4081 8992 1913
Animal Crossing Town Name : SpringDF

Feel free to leave yours in the comments. Never fear, we BOTH have to register for it to work, so some strange person won’t be able to use what you leave to invade your town or mine 🙂

130 Replies to “Animal Crossing City Folk Friend Codes!”

  1. 0817-7292-7421
    My Name: Elle
    My Town: Geo Cach
    Fruit: Oranges

    I just started out so if any of ya’ll want to email me and tell me you added me along with your code I’ll do it!


    (obviously it’s just for my wii… >_<)

  2. Hey everyone please add me!!

    Code: 3609-4582-1690
    Name: Xtian
    Town: Dallas

    Ill be adding as many CF from here as I can.

  3. My friend code is
    And my toen is
    And my name is

    Add me I will add everyone here

  4. Hey All. Just got AC a few days ago, lookin 4 some friends. Here’s my info!

    Name: Brandi
    Town: Shire
    Friend Code: 1719-6693-4903

  5. My code is-0302-3312-8185
    town name- Kewlvill
    my name- Bigdaddy
    i invite all that will invite me, i have oranges and coconut sapling,i’m willing to trade gold shovel, i am new to game my gates are always open so email me when you add me and i will email you back letting u know i added u

  6. hey all I added all of you so here is my info so you can add me!

    FC: 1376-0754-6248
    TN: LasVegas
    N: muffin

    Also some of your codes don’t work some of you might want to recheck your friendcodes….


  7. hey Samantha I added you, I also added you Brandi so please add me if u haven’t already. Hey Samantha i tried to go to ur town but it first siad u were already haveing a conversation then it siad i was removed from your list then it told me that u closed your gates now im new to all this so bear with me if i did something wrong one person came to my town did what they had to do then left and closed thier gates to me.

  8. hi just got animal crossing sunday, looking for some friends, add me and comment me back and tell me your friends code

    Name: Stan
    Town: Bearvaly (Gf named it lol)
    Friends code: 0731-8258-5180

    thanks =)
    my fruit is cherries fyi =)

  9. Hello,

    I would love to exchange friend codes.

    Name: Signey
    Town: Tapanga
    Code: 5820 7419 9273 4529

    Let me know if you add me so I can add you.

  10. Hi,
    I am starting to add people from the bottom of the list on up.

    Town: Roeckie
    Code: 0688-8785-8729

    I have to figure out how to leave the gate open too.


  11. I will add all people between here and my last post.

    Ill also add those who post after this, heres my info again:

    0259 3808 0811
    Kate from Folsom
    I have apples

  12. Hi

    I do not know what I was thinking. Here is my correct friend code.

    Name: Signey
    Town: Tapanga
    Code: 4854 9989 5088

    Sorry for the error.


  13. Hey-
    Could you add me as well?
    Character Name: Quimby
    Town: Greenley
    Fruit: Apples
    Friend Code: 0688-8811-3712

  14. hi! my character name is Alexis from the town of Forks. I have oranges. I would really like to have some friends added and to get some other fruits. My code is 2063-2706-6857. Thankx!

  15. To be clear, yes everyone needs to trade codes, it won’t work if one person puts them in. It seems google found my blog post, so many people have left codes here. Both parties have to trade codes. You’ll know if it worked as a heart shows up next to their name and town (it might take a few hours or asking your gates to open or to go out to synch with Nintendo’s servers)

  16. I too live in a world where the Wii is shuned for the 360 🙁


    town is Hyrule(originality!)

    name is Landon

    fruit is peachez( much obliged if you bring cherrys!)

    code is:2965-2138-3211

    desperate for ANYONE!!! plese E-mail at
    I am desperate. And remember, the answer is the code.


  17. HEY guys wooot lets party MY FRIEND CODE IF YOU SEE ME I GOT PEARS TIME TO PARTTTAAAYY! friend code: 4167-7982-7424 lynchvil John

  18. Hey people add me here is my friend code oh and i got peaches


    by the way email me your code if you added me

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