Spring has finally arrived. It was a beautiful day out and I hope this gorgeous weather stays. I’m tired of cold and rain, we got gypped as far as snow this year so bring on the sun.

I tuned into “American Idol” tonight again. What was the point of having Gwen Stefanni on when almost nobody sang No Doubt songs? Dumb, dumb, dumb. Oh and I wonder if America’s love affair with Sanjaya has come to and end this week. He was just horrible! Oh course as soon as he goes I’ll probably lose interest in the show!

Over to “Dancing With The Starrs,” I was shocked that Billy Rae was not kicked off. Is he the new Sanjaya?

I got half way through “Eragorn.” So far it’s a cute movie, very Star Wars meets Dragonlance though. I never finished the books, the author’s verbose descriptions of every little thing turned me off and I put the book down and never had the chance to go back. One day I’ll finish them.

Finally, one of my favorite Sega games of all time is making it’s way to Wii, NiGHTS! This was a great game for the Sega Saturn way back when I was in undergrad. It was the first game I ever imported in Japan because I didn’t want to wait for the American version. Great game, I can’t wait for it on Wii. Speaking of Wii, 2 weeks until Paper Mario hits! I have a gift card with Mario’s name on it 🙂

Anyways, I leave you with your moment of zen from Emily 🙂

4 Replies to “I Think I’ll Go For A Walk Outside Now”

  1. Billy Rae sucked the first week but did much better the second time. They gave him most improved. I thought Leeza Gibbons or Shandi Finnessy would go.

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