In exactly 2 weeks from today we fly out to San Diego. The next day we get on our 8 day cruise down the Mexican Riviera. I can’t wait, but I feel like I have to much to do before then. We actually will drive down to my mom’s the night before on the 16th. That day will be spent packing everything we can. So technically I have about 11 days left to do work. I have A LOT to do. Unfortunately I’m going to probably have to do some work on the cruise as well. I always have taken my work with me, but NEVER have gotten around to doing any of it. I feel this year I don’t have much of a choice, I need to work at least every other day. I will probably just edit what I have written so far and clean things up, maybe do some reading. I won’t have the focus to write anything long and new on the cruise. So I may be doing some light blogging over the next two weeks as I really need to throw myself into school work until the cruise. Otherwise I’ll mope around during the vacation and dwell on what I should have gotten done that I didn’t get done.


4 Replies to “Stressed And Pressed!”

  1. Get as much of the writing out of the way beforehand, and save as much reading as possible for the cruise. You can do that while getting a tan. Take notes if you need to, but perhaps there’s a way to integrate your schoolwork with the vacation in a less onerous way?

  2. Hi Dustin, I was curious…do you have a job? Vacations and extracurricular are expensive, but you never talk about a job or income. Just nosey…you can say “mind you own business”. I was just wondering….anyway, love your blog. Take care.

  3. Have a great and safe trip, and behavior yourself.So horry back. Need to talk to you a/s/a/p. Something in the chat room and it wasn’t my fault. Tell you about it when you get back. Injoy your vacation. HAVE FUN!


    In chatroom I go by: (Babygirl21 or R.R.J)

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