Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been a busy little bee this summer. I’ll shortly be getting a break, as I’m going to Williamsburg for about a week in about a week with my cruise friend Heidi.
Here is hoping we get a break from this insane heat! Alas as of right now, it’s supposed to be in the upper 90s, with two days at 99. I think I’m gunna have to go hit up Old Navy to buy some very cheap, very light weight t-shirts!
My garden has been giving me a headache this week. It took forever, but I finally started getting red tomatoes off my Topsy Turvy Tree. I have a million green ones though.
Unfortunately two of the ones I put in large planters, have gotten too large. One toppled over night, and the other toppled today in the heat. Yes I had staked and roped them, they still grew too big! I had to cut a lot off, and lost a lot of green tomatoes, but hopefully saved more. We’ll see.
Next year I think I’m just sticking with just the Topsy Turvys, lots of them. They don’t seem to grow as big as my planter ones did, but they are the ones not giving me a headache right now.
Nice to hear from you! Enjoy the rest of the summer and savor those tomatoes for me.