Once upon a time our lawn looked really nice. John took care of it and was always planting stuff and making it look nice. Now however he doesn’t have time to do anything but work, and the lawn has gone to crap. So much so that people think old people live in our house, that’s how run down and scary it looks. I have for two years told John to hire landscapers, that I’d pay for it. Hell some work for the farm! But nooooo, he never would. Last year I started hacking away at some things to try and clean it all up, and hacked away some things I shouldn’t have. Oh well!

I recently moved my tomatoes together into the backyard where they get more sun. They get about 6 hours a day now, but probably need more. However there aren’t many options as to where I can get these shepard’s hooks into the ground well enough. The best place of course would be in the garden/barnyard behind them in the above picture. The barn had been converted to a garage long ago. Unfortunately, the garden area has become the worst and most overgrown area of all.

The second photo is actually after I hacked away and sprayed for two days with weed killer. The water weeds and such were over four feet high. It was NUTS. You can still see some wilted ones behind the back fence/dog house. I’m planning to go in later and start carting them away. There is so much I don’t know what to do with it, I’ll fill the measly yard waste cans I have in seconds. I wish I could just burn it all.

The fence around the whole area is a rotten falling apart mess. I have wanted for years to take it down. Gophers and ground hogs have dug under it so many times there is a mount in one corner. The dog house is 20 some years old too and needs to go.

I have a lot of work cut out for me! I’m making this and the yard my summer sanity project so I have something else besides writing and editing to do. Plus it should get me back into shape 🙂

1 Reply to “Not Even Chemlawn Can Kill This”

  1. Love the last line! Even though I suck at yard work, I always insist on being the one to do it because it’s the only thing that whips me back into shape after a long winter of sitting on the couch 🙂

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