So Super Tuesday is coming to a close. On the Democratic front, Hillary and Obama are still running about dead even. This is going to be a long year! Meanwhile McCain came out the Republican front runner. This makes me chuckle, a lot. Remember back to the last election, the Republicans attacked Kerry over and over for flip-floping on everything and everything? Republicans, meet your new flip-flop king, I mean candidate. Clearly we won’t be seeing any flip-flop accusations coming from the Republicans this time around! They wouldn’t dare! I normally don’t go into politics on here much, cause it makes me angry, but given what is at stake this year, expect to see some rants from time to time.

Right now I’m preparing for Super Thursday, Shannan and Nica’s arrival. The house is pretty much clean, props to the BF who actually helped a lot. One final vacuum tomorrow and I think I’m done. Then it’s just wait for the planes to get in and let the partying begin 🙂

5 Replies to “Super Tuesday Over, Super Thursday On The Way!”

  1. Yay for the BF cleaning! Have a great time on Super Thursday! Rant away about the election…I’m pretty sure most people are thinking the same things.

  2. The BF was home from work long enough to help you clean? Good thing I was already sitting down. *G* Just kidding- he’s such a hard worker! Have a great time on Super Thursday. :0)

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