I’ve been starting some pre-spring cleaning to get ready for company. Next week Emily is coming over for a fun night, then in two weeks Shannan and Nica come for a few days. I’m trying to get the house somewhat picked up for their arrival so it doesn’t look too much like a disaster zone. Basically this means finding places to put the little piles of “crap” that have built up here and there over the past year or two. None are mine of course 🙂 Eventually I will do a major vacuuming and dusting of the house, but not till it gets closer to their arrival.

Since returning from vacation I’ve been watching what I eat and counting my calories. It’s time to get back into shape. Today I also hit the gym. The ship we were on happen to be hosting an Atlantis gay cruise the next week, so the bartenders were telling us all about it, how much fun it is, how they love it. My BF is determined we do one next year. I definitely want to be in shape then for sure! I also just want to be in shape for myself. Every year I say I will get into better shape, I never do. Maybe this will be the year . . . but it’s not a resolution . . . cause those always get broken.