Sunday the BF was back on his feet, all seemed good . . . until the evening hit as did another stone. Today he was laid up in bed most of the day. He got up in the evening to do a bit of work, but quickly went back to bed after dinner. I keep telling him to drink more water, he’s not drinking enough. At least one glass or more an hour! He grumbled “Who told you that, that’s a sh*tload of water.” Yeah and do you think those kidney stones are gunna move themselves out? I’ve been through this enough to know the key to getting them out is to drink (well really pee) them out!

Blogrolling is down again, big shock there. I can’t visit anyone’s blogs unless I can remember the urls and the history in my browser kicks in, or i dig through comments. Grrrr. I’m terrible about leaving comments, but I do try and make the rounds to read up. I think I need to just ditch blogrolling. It’s not like their “whose updated their blog” feature even works anymore.

I got tagged for a blog meme and am working on writing it now 🙂 Hopefully it will be up in the next day or two, when I can figure out enough things to list about myself.

4 Replies to “Some Quick Updates”

  1. Hope your BF gets better quick!! Yep — water is the key! I’ve had issues with blogrolling so I gave up and am using Bloglines for myself and it’s pretty awesome and I only had issues at the beginning where it’d get ‘clogged’ up (their words 🙂 ) and they’re pretty quick to get back on line.

  2. They say that cranberry juice is good for kidney dialysis. Pushing fluids and the occasional pain killer and warm water bottle is also helpful. You and the BF are in my thoughts oh Wise One.

    Take care


  3. I hope your BF is better soon. He will be if he’s wise enough to listen to you!

    Like Jenifer, I’ve used Bloglines for a long time now and have been really happy with it. It’s something to consider if you’re looking.

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