I saw this question posted on the Coffeerooms Message Board and liked it. What do you miss that is no longer made? Here is a…
Impressed With Technology
My mouse finally went kaput the other day. Well it worked fine, but the mouse wheel wasn’t working. I actually need the wheel to scroll…
Nu Shooz and Pants
Nikko has just destroyed a month old pair of shoes I bought right before going on my cruise in January. I’m so angry! He has…
MySpace Whores
I’m on a wireless internet connection, but a wireless cable internet connection. I have a wireless lan set up in my home for my PCs.…
The Friday Five
The Friday Five is a fun little website that posts five questions every Friday for bloggers to answer. I thought it would be fun to…
It’s A Beutiful Day In The Neigborhood
I’m not exactly sure how warm it is outside, but it’s sunny, pleasant, and you don’t need a jacket. That’s nice! Especially for March. It…
Not Much Going On
Yeah I haven’t checked in for a few days, sorry about that. I’ve been really busy 🙁 But hey, I got a mid-week thoughts update…
VH1: I Love Toys!
Tonight at 10pm (Medium watchers will have to Tivo or tune in at 12am when it repeats), VH1 is showing “I Love Toys.” It’s from…
Terrible Dog Dream!
I had the worst, yet weirdest, dream last night I wanted to share. I was in Virginia at my mom’s, and Princess was in the…