I know I asked this once before (awhile ago). I thought now that the blog has picked up a decent amount of readers I’d ask again. Do any of you guys blog? You leave lots of comments, but nobody leaves a blog address in the space available. If you blog (or have a myspace profile with a blog) leave the address! I should really start a blog roll.


PS Changed the blog theme to warm tropical colors for my upcoming vacation 🙂

3 Replies to “Your Blogs”

  1. Since you asked and it’s supposedly “delurking” week – my blog address is http://www.livejournal.com/users/ann_o/

    AND thanks so much for all of your hard work on the DOL page – I’ve been reading it for years now, and will have to rely on it because I start back to work on Monday.

    Have a great vacation!

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