Arg, I still don’t have my tree up! I want to put it up, but last week I was told it was only the 1st week in December. Once I get my tree up here, I have 3 more trees in Virginia. My mom will wait until I get home to do them. When I get to go home depends on if I can get the puppy before Christmas or not though.


3 Replies to “All I Want To Do Is Decorate The Christmas Tree”

  1. As long as it is after Thanksgiving, it is never too early to put your tree up!! We got ours up last weekend. If I am going to take the time and effort to make it look nice,I want to enjoy it for more than a couple of weeks:)

  2. Mine was up the Sunday immediately following Thanksgiving. If you love the holiday make it last as long as you can.

  3. Hello, Sawubona, Howzit… Just to say we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here but my tree was up from about the 21 of November cos I just had a baby boy – named Jake – and he just loves looking at the lights, most babies love lights and with this tree being a fibre optic tree it just gives him absolute joy… PS – Most of us don’t have real Christmas trees put up in or living rooms but ones that u can fold up and pack away for the next year… there is very few peolpe who choose to have a real Christmas tree… Cheers, Totsiens, Salagashle!!!

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