So this afternoon I finally dragged my butt out to try this ‘Couch to 5K’ podcast run. Oh Ma Gawd! Half way through the man tells me “You should be feeling the affects of the running, but shouldn’t be tired or out of breath.” I was like “all of the above!” I finished it, and worked up a sweat like I’ve never done at the gym on the cardio equipment. I have to say to keep this up I will need better tennis shoes for sure. Running in sketchers doesn’t cut it, even if they are the ‘sport’ variety.

The above is another local news bit with the BF. He wasn’t given as much airtime as in the last one, but he’s put together a bit better this time 🙂 I also have a beef to pick with CBS for the way they edited it as you can’t distinguish between the two farms in it! All the shopping and customers are his farm, the fields are the other farm in the broadcast. Oh and thank you Cathy Gandolpho for not bothering to even say the name of the farm, when in fact you stood in the parking lot to do your live broadcast!

In the future these things will be nipped in the bud. Like it or not, I’ll probably end up working at the farm when school is over. I’ll need a job, I have no clue what my chances of getting one in my field locally are and I’ve been unofficially offered one doing their website, newsletters and other stuff which I actually can do and they can’t. I’d also be able to do educational stuff about the area too for school groups. Who knows, it’s a big farm, I could find a site on it I’m sure.

My next official video blog will be a walking tour of the farm 🙂 The weather should be nice this weekend so I’ll take all the videos. Next week I’m in Virginia and specifically Williamsburg. My nights are going to be spent at the Quality Inn, not out partying, so I’ll probably be working at night on school work. I’ll edit my blog when I need a brain break. I’ll also be sure to get photos up of Williamsburg and Jamestown while I’m there!

1 Reply to “Run, Don’t Walk”

  1. I downloaded Podrunner week 1 yesterday after reading your blog, and took it for a spin today. OMFG. There should be a warning label on it. I was all cocky thinking it wouldn’t be that difficult. After the 4th run, I was shocked how winded I was. This is going to be an interesting summer!

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