So if you read the Twitter update below, which appeared at some point in the night, well I’m sick. It’s all Hannah Montana’s fault too. I was checking out at the grocery store on Saturday when the storm hit. I tried to get my groceries in the car as fast as I could, but ended up finding myself standing in flood waters. Okay not flood waters, but enough to cover my feet because of the slope of the parking lot. Yeah, I knew that wasn’t good. Then walking the dogs in the mess just set me up for the sore throat that came that evening.

So I’ve been sick, yet oddly enough I find myself doing school work saying “I need to just get this part done,” or “just a half an hour more and I’ll go relax on the couch.” I seemed to have had this problem on my birthday, the one day I wasn’t going to do anything but have big fun. I wanted to do work. Any other day it’s not “I want” but “I have” and I have to force myself to sit there and work. Go figure!

As for the Twitter post. I am not sure what I’m going to do with them. I don’t like how they format, it looks funny to me, not orderly. I like things in order. Plus I’m afraid it will make me lazy and give me and excuse not to blog, cause the twitter post will be made. Though then there are days like today where I made maybe two posts so far to Twitter.

4 Replies to “End Of Summer Sickness”

  1. I had the end of summer flu too! I hope u get well soon. I took lots of ColdFX (do u have this in the US?) and drank gallons of water and tea and Neo Citron (again, available down there?) What really helps me is to lather myself up in Vicks Vapo Rub and then bundle up in the blankets until I swear the sucker out!

  2. Maybe you feel like working on those days because you gave yourself permission *not* to. You didn’t have to do the work, so you felt like doing it.

    Or not. *G*

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