The Superbowl is on . . . . like I care! Even the halftime show, which I bothered to turn on, sucked. Tom Petty? Yuck, no thank you. We spent most of the day picking up the house for are house guests this week. I’ll do a super clean on Tuesday and Wednesday most like, vacuuming, the bathroom, the floors.

I’m trying to plan what to do with Shannan and Nica. They get in Thursday, and should they not be pooped from the plane ride I was thinking we’d go to Philly that night for some drinks and then hit the drag show there. Haven’t done it in years, so I hope it is still as fun as it used to be.

Friday we hit New York, which I’ve been looking forward to, but has been a source of stress. What to do with my dogs for almost 24 hours! Shannan and Nica wanted to meet them, so I couldn’t take them to my mom’s. I was looking into boarding them, but I hate that idea because I’m afraid it will traumatize them (cause they are spoiled). Plus they’ve never done the whole overnight with a stranger thing, let alone I don’t want them in cages somewhere for an extended period of time. I was about to be at the mercy of Petsmart’s Pets hotel, but we found someone to come walk them that evening. That should keep the mess they might make down to a minimum, hopefully.

Coming up this week is the big super Tuesday! Honestly we haven’t even found out who the two candidates are going to be and I’m sick of the debates, the commercials and the news reports on them all. I can’t take place in the primary this Tuesday, as I’m not registered to vote in Jersey yet. Don’t worry, I printed out my Rock The Vote application to send in this week 🙂 I’ll be good to go come election day. Oh and I’ve ordered some “Hillary for President” signs for the front yard, I just hope they get here in time. I mostly ordered them to piss off Shannan and Nica, who hate her 😛 Sorry girls, you have to sleep in a house with Hillary signs out front. Hehehehe

4 Replies to “Super Sunday! Super Tuesday!”

  1. Ok, I am from Canada, but I must admit I have been riveted by the news on your channels as of late, can’t wait to see if it is Hillary or not. Either way, ground breaking stuff. Definately better than the rest of the drivel on tv these days.

  2. I remember when those half time shows were the coolest things ever, with all kinds of cool effects, and it was the best part of the entire bowl! But now, they’re just mini concerts that aren’t special at all. But I have to admit, I thought Petty played much better than the Stones a few years ago. Yikes, they were just plain scary!

  3. I can’t stand election years. I hate all the commercials and the mud-slinging. It always makes me just not want to vote. I do my good citizen duty and vote, but I don’t always want to. My dad once told me that if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain about how the gov’t works. Too funny about your Hillary signs:)

    Have a great time in NYC!!!

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