I’m not going into it right now, but needless to say the vacation is so up in the air right now. Basically I need a new drivers license, but to get it I need my birth certificate. My birth certificate is, um, yeah that’s the problem. My mom is sure I have them, I’m sure I gave them back to her at one point after I did what I needed them for. If they aren’t in her safe deposit box at the bank, which we can’t check till Tuesday morning, then I have to drive to Richmond Va to try and get one. Then I have to come back to NJ to get a license (unless I can get some other same day photo ID somewhere that is government issued). Needless to say even if I get this all done, we now need a new flight out to California either Wednesday night or Thursday morning to catch the cruise.

Like I said, sick 🙁

PS Don’t ask about a passport 🙁

3 Replies to “Just Sick”

  1. Poor guy. I am so sorry. can’t you just get a State ID issued. We have those in Arkansas and I think you have to have two forms of ID but an old driver’s license should work as one form.

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