It’s Thursday, and Thursday is my hell on earth day. The reason I hate Thursday’s is because of The O.C. Not only do I have to watch and update Days and Passions, but The O.C. has to be done as well. Recapping The O.C. is more work than the soaps because there is always a lot going on and there are no flashbacks to count on for typing breaks. Add into that the fact that The O.C. has become so boring lately and you know now why I hate Thursdays. 

Tonight’s episode might actually be good considering Anna is back and Theresa and the baby are finally discovered. About damn time! The show is coming back for a fourth season, and supposedly things are going to be shaken up a bit. All four major actors return, and Taylor and Kaitlin become full cast members. I hope they have something good planned for next season, as this season was terrible. I never thought season three of the show could be worse than season two, it was by far though.  
